Category: Politics

  • Monday Open Comments

    Okay, running late, I know… More hypocrisy by unions. I think this says it all: Union members can’t even do their own work on the picket line. And SassyFrasse had a great comment: OKAY,…….If the UNIONS can hire the HOMELESS to meet their job requirements….. ~ WHY are TAXPAYERS FORCED to subsidize such UNION WORKER…

  • Thursday Border Security Comments

    A very scary story popped up in the past couple of days out of San Diego. A local TV guy was interviewing an assistant port director at the Port of San Diego about general security topics. It looked like a puff piece they gave to one of the rookies to fill time on slow news…

  • CPAC is Over – Time to Crank up the Hit-Piece Machine

    Another CPAC. Another Ron Paul landslide. What does it mean? Nothing. Just like in 2007 and 2008 where the good doctor won every straw poll on the planet by double digits, they’re hollow victories. Ron Paul is the “dot com bubble” of American politics. No money bomb is ever going to change that. Apparently grown-ups,…