Category: Politics

  • Wednesday Shores Of Tripoli Open Comments

    Well, Obama promised us that if he were elected, we’d no longer be in two wars at the same time, so he started another one. We have yet to hear from The One We’ve Been Waiting For exactly what Vital National Interest is being served by being drug into enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya.…

  • Friday “Party Boy” Open Comments

    The mideast is in meltdown…Obama makes basketball picks. Japanese passengers arrive, with a little extra glow…Obama goes to Rio. I believe I heard that he has completed his 61st round of golf.  Let’s see…he took office in January of 2009…that means he plays golf every xxx weeks (it’s too early to do math, I’m barely…

  • Monday Open Comments

    It seems our president just can’t seem to understand the importance of the appearance of propriety.  While the Mideast in in meltdown, Hugo Chavez is cozying up to Iran, the public sector union group seems to be on the chopping block, and the dollar is in a seeming death spiral…. Obama goes golfing. I really…