Category: Politics

  • Thursday Gamblin’ Open Comments

    Apparently there’s an election coming up sometime in the not-too-distant future. I’ve begun to hear some ads on the radio in support of legalized gambling in Texas. I’m somewhat on the fence on this. First, if you want to essentially take your own hard-earned money, pile it up in the street, and set fire to…

  • Tuesday Cow Mentality Open Comments

    It seems the EU plans to train its populace to no longer become individuals, but to meld into one big herd, willing to be shepherded and corralled and controlled in the name of the world’s biggest hoax: Siim Kallas, the EU transport commission, insisted that Brussels directives and new taxation of fuel would be used…

  • Friday Mushroom Open Comments

    Ever heard that phrase “I feel like a mushroom – I’m kept in the dark and people keep throwing (Word I Shouldn’t Say) on me?” Let’s see what the Main Stream News is doing to shed sunlight on certain topics: Obama’s “Transparency”:  Let’s see…the visitor logs to the White House have been made public, but…