Category: Politics

  • Girls – The Expendable Sex

    I was heartbroken to see this story: Baby Girls Hanged, Burned, Stabbed To Death In Pakistan Those poor babies, lined up on a table, unloved, unwanted, and unknown. Did their killers have any remorse as they murdered these innocents? Did their cries ring in their ears as they left them to die? And then there’s…

  • Monday Blood Sucker Open Comments

    While hanging ten on the internet, surfing web sites and experiencing some nasty crashes into websites that shall forever leave scars upon my fragile southern sensibilities, I found this: a vampire hunting kit! It seems there’s more to vampire knowledge than garlic and wooden stakes. I found the method of stopping a vampire by dropping…

  • Monday Open Comments

    I only caught pieces of Amanpour’s performance on Sunday morning. One of the topics was the Murdoch scandal. What I found astounding was an offshoot question of the Murdoch scandal, about 6:45 into the clip. The discussion was the coziness of lawmakers with Murdoch, for fear of his media backlash or reprisals. Amanpour then began…