Category: Politics

  • Thursday Cult of Texanism Comments

    After several presidents come from your home state you kind of get used to the penis envy you generate, especially from the cultured “East Coast”. Now that a candidate is actually from Texas expect it to ratchet up even further. Take today’s hit piece from Salon: Alas, the cheers that broke out among a well-heeled…

  • All That For a Flag?

    I suppose we’ll never know exactly what she said for sure but it sure seems to me she says “All that for a flag?” followed by a look of complete disdain, then the president heartily agrees with her. (h/t Panda Man)

  • Portrait of a Traitor

    Over the years Jane Fonda has made it easy to hate her. Far from the radical feminist of her public persona, a new biography paints a picture of a troubled little rich kid seeking approval of the men in her life: One day, at the height of her fame in the mid-Seventies, Jane Fonda turned…