Category: Politics

  • It’s the Weekend

    I caught the press conference of the release of the American hikers that have been held in Iran for two years. One of the first things Shane Bauer said was “…we sincerely hope for the freedom of other political prisoners and other unjustly imprisoned people in America and Iran.” Nice. America has spent millions of…

  • Tuesday Jobs Bill Open Comments

    Since Obama’s latest Important Political Speech, there has been much wrangling over the most recent “Jobs Bill”. He’s asking for around $447 billion in order to: Extend unemployment beyond the almost 2 years already done Throw together some job-retraining stuff Fund some shovel-ready infrastructure projects Provide some employment incentives Extend a payroll tax holiday Other…

  • Weekend Constitution Day Open Comments

    Today is Constitution Day. We all (as well as all those serving in government) should take a short amount of time and read it.