Category: Politics

  • Thursday “Where Have We Heard This Before?” Open Comments

    Found in San Antonio: An independent report on that proposed $180 million, two mile long streetcar line through downtown concludes that it would be disasters for Via Metro Transit, for the city, and, mainly, for low income San Antonians… And why is the city considering such a project? Analyst Jeff Judson…says there is only one…

  • Thursday Morgan Freeman Open LetterComments

    A friend of mine sent me an email with a link to this open letter to Morgan Freeman, regarding his racism charges against the Tea Party. Excerpts: I also understand that your reflexive comments came from experience. You grew up in a different America than the one that I was blessed to be born into.…

  • Tuesday Shoes Open Comments

    Well, it seems that The Big One has upset some of his base. It seems he wants them to change out their boogie shoes they wore when he was swept into office on a tidal wave of black love and white guilt, and put on some marching shoes. In a fiery summons to an important…