Category: Politics

  • Tuesday Codependent Open Comments

    I just recently finished the book Living Successfully with Screwed-Up People. I am about to begin my second read. It basically teaches mental health – how not to allow yourself to be sucked emotionally into other people’s behavior. Some people might define this as codependency. As I went through the last chapter, I had a…

  • Friday Smackdown Open Comments

    Love Newt Gingrich or not, you gotta love how he refuses to let the media define him, lead him, or push him around. And the most recently smackdown: When it comes to handling the media, you gotta admit – Newt has the biggest pair we’ve seen in a loooonnnnngggg time. It kinda…

  • Weekend Open Comments

    Here’s a video from Bill Whittle. You may remember Bill as the man who wrote the best essay ever written on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. (h/t Felicia Winfree Cravens)