Category: Politics

  • Making a Case for Congressional Term Limits

    In actuality, congress has made the case for me: If we did not know better, the announcement from Washington that two senior Senators are proposing the creation of a national commission to regulate boxing would be dismissed as a cruel joke. But this is no joke, and Senators Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.)…

  • Thursday Super Pac Open Comments

    From – BigJournalism: Why the Media Hates and Fears the Super Pacs To begin with, you can’t look at the mainstream media as a biased or out-of-touch entity. Instead, you have to look at the media for what it really is: a gaggle of left-wing operatives disguised as journalists who use objectivity and a…

  • Thursday “51” Open Comments

    Will Puerto Rico become the 51st state? The governor hopes so. I find his statements on Hugo Chavez particularly ear-perking.