Category: Politics

  • Friday Only the Lonely Open Comments

    I discovered this book through the venerable Mark Tapscott.  He exposed me to Stella Morabito. Periodically, a book comes along that is essential reading in order to understand a particular period or movement in history. James Burnham’s“Suicide of the West” in 1964 for the inevitable decay of modern liberalism and Paul Johnson’s“Modern Times” for the spread of…

  • Friday Open Comments

    New York hit with lawsuit over new law targeting ‘hateful’ speech online A new law takes effect on Saturday in New York that supposedly targets hateful speech online. But it may not last long, because the state just got hit with a First Amendment lawsuit that could bring about the demise of its new regulation. The law in question…

  • Thursday Open Comments

    How progressives’ grand plans for subsidized housing have harmed African Americans I’ve often thought the harm our welfare programs to our society.  We are called to help those in need, but these programs that are designed to support people for decades instead of weaning them off the public teat have not only created a dependent…