Category: Politics

  • Weekend “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” Open Comments

    Liberal youth are far more depressed than their conservative counterparts — especially the girls A Columbia University study revealed a striking difference between conservative and liberal teenagers. Conservatives are generally happier than their leftist counterparts — not by a little, but by a significant measure. /snip While some have since proffered various explanations for the…

  • Thursday Open Comments

    The Taliban doing the work the “leader” of the free world wouldn’t/couldn’t do: Taliban kills ISIS terrorist who directed attack that killed 13 US troops during Afghanistan withdrawal The ISIS-K terrorist who directed the August 2021 suicide bombing that killed 13 U.S. service members during the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan has been killed by the Taliban,…

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    The Blue State Exodus Is About More Than Economics; We’re Fed up With Being Treated Like We’re Stupid From Red State: …we have all been writing about the California adios for at least three years now…. it started with AB5, the rabidly anti-independent contractor law that was signed by Newsom in 2019. Many of the colleagues and activists who…