Category: Politics

  • Mid Week Texas Memories

    It does not make sense.  They tore The Rice Hotel SHAMROCK down Note to self: post the Rice Hotel sometime in the future   Best Tex/Mex if you had never had Tex/Mex before. If it was just me and him on a 100 mile stretch of road…. I am gonna get a ticket. And they…

  • Tuesday More Fakemess Open Comments

    She has to bus in people to populate her rallies.  Has to spread lies thicker’n a farmer spreads manure. Speaking of farmers and manure: Another day, another example of the Harris/Walz campaign proving just how staged and fake everything they do truly is. In a desperate bid to sway Trump supporters, the campaign has been…

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    FTC Commissioner Warns New Report Could Be Used By Big Tech To Justify Censorship   A U.S. Federal Trade Commission official is concerned that a new 129-page report penned by her agency could be easily construed by Big Tech companies to justify the partisan censorship that has plagued their sites for years. In its “A Look Behind…