Category: Political History

  • Monday – It’s Never Gonna Be the Same Again – Open Comments

    A December 2023 poll by Economist/YouGov found 20% of respondents aged 18-29 years believing that the Nazi massacre of six million Jews is a myth. After untold millions spent to build Holocaust museums and tributes, documentaries, books and school programs, we seem once again at a dark dead end.  Our old friend, David Benzion, gave a…

  • Thursday Revolution: Yanks vs Frogs Open Thread

    The French Revolution began twelve years after the American Revolution. America wanted to be independent and left alone to enjoy their liberty and managed to run the British back to their homeland. The French went berserk and within 18 months they started murdering their own citizens.  It was the onset of a seemingly never ending…

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    Hmmmmmm…..can we narrow down the presidential field a bit?  Not that she stands much of a chance of winning, but it would be instructional to make this point about her eligibility publicly and soon.  I refer to the last paragraph about the whittling away of the Constitution because of the failure to adhere to its…