Category: Open Comments

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    Narcissism vs. Self-Esteem:   This article makes me compare Clinton, Obama, and Trump. The “charismatic air” of narcissists– from their flashy attire, to their self-assured behaviors, to their charming glances, to their witty humor– often makes a big first impression. At the same time, people seem to be really good at accurately perceiving narcissism in others based…

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    I’m supposing this should settle the egg yolk color questions: Are the deeper color yolks more nutritious? Spoiler: Not necessarily, but pastured hens are more likely to have darker orange yolks that taste better. While poultry researchers note that an orange yolk isn’t necessarily better than a yellow one, the shade can indicate how the…

  • Monday Open Artistes’ Beauty & Ugliness Discussions

    When I was eight years old, this courthouse burned to the ground.   It was such a huge monument in my young life along with grandparents’ home by the County Fairgrounds and my grandfather’s Rexall drugstore on the Square, I could not imagine it was destroyed in one night.  I was distraught and inconsolable.  I…