Category: Mass Psychology

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    I just checked the dashboard, and I see no Wednesday post.  So, Texpat, if we’re unseeing each other again, feel free to reschedule this one if you wish. I found this Substack article from a commenter in the C&C about a week or so ago.  The commenter had talked to a pharmacist about the whole…

  • Weekend Duckspiracy Open Insurrection

    A crowd of crazed ducks was spotted gathering their numbers to storm the Texas Capitol and attempt to put an end to the Deep Flock nonsense going on within. But fear not, there were some members of the mob that seemed a bit “off”. These guys were clearly not part of the rest of the…

  • Friday Only the Lonely Open Comments

    I discovered this book through the venerable Mark Tapscott.  He exposed me to Stella Morabito. Periodically, a book comes along that is essential reading in order to understand a particular period or movement in history. James Burnham’s“Suicide of the West” in 1964 for the inevitable decay of modern liberalism and Paul Johnson’s“Modern Times” for the spread of…