Category: Life

  • “God Won”

    I watched the rescue of the Chilean miners last week with a fair amount of interest. It is unusual that we see a mine cave-in at that depth where there were not only no fatalities, but no serious injuries – and where all the miners are rescued. At some level, it all seemed fairly surreal…

  • What is WITH Parents These Days?

    I just returned from a shopping trip at a local department store. I noticed a young – VERY young – girl with a pink shirt in hand go to the self-checkout aisle and start pushing on the screen. I knew this youngster would not be paying for her selection, but her mother was nowhere in…

  • The Gift of Children

    I just returned from a shopping trip at a local department store. I noticed a young – VERY young – girl with a pink shirt in hand go to the self-checkout aisle and start pushing on the screen. I knew this youngster would not be paying for her selection, but her mother was nowhere in…