Category: Life

  • Genocide Occurring Right Under Our Noses

    Over time, there have been many genocides carried out around the world. In just the past 100 years, we have seen (among others): Bosnia-Herzegovina: 1992-1995 – 200,000 Deaths Rwanda: 1994 – 800,000 Deaths Pol Pot in Cambodia: 1975-1979 – 2,000,000 Deaths Nazi Holocaust: 1938-1945 – 6,000,000 Deaths Rape of Nanking: 1937-1938 – 300,000 Deaths Stalin’s…

  • The Definition of Moral Relativism

    When I first read this article about a group calling themselves 45 Million Voices I was speechless: We believe that an abortion can be an act of love. A few days later I still don’t know what to say. Then I remembered. Tedtam already said it: The choice was made, The date was set. The…

  • Planned Parenthood Declares War on Science