Category: Life

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    I saw this interview on Breitbart’s BigGovernment site.  While this young man seems personable enough, his description of what he wants at work both gave me the shivers and brought me to high dudgeon:  he works at a restaurant chain called “Noodles,” and he feels “restricted” at work, not free.   Poor baby, he is told…

  • Friday “Diggin’ in the Dirt” Recovery Open Comments

    Okay, I’m a little sore and moving a little slowly today. I’ve actually swept the floor and made the tea. Sugar’s on the table. I think I’m going to sit down for a while now…come on in and make yourselves at home. What “dirt” shall we discuss? Charlie Sheen shutting down “Two and Half Men”…

  • Weekend “Last Freeze” Open Comments

    I hear that we’ve had our last freeze – for a while, anyway.  I uncovered my garden this morning, and I’m afraid my lettuce may not have made it through this last cold snap.  My thoughts now turn to starting some new victims seeds for the upcoming spring garden. I also need to do some…