Category: Life

  • Of Baggy Pants and Staple Guns

    [In honor of Mayor Nutter’s speech, I am reposting one of my first entries made years ago, before the Comfy Couch became the Comfy Couch] Call me old-fashioned, but I don’t get it. What is it with the baggy pants that accost me every time I go out in public? I remember when it started…

  • Monday “Never Enough Time” Open Comments

    As one who is always strapped for time (though I try not to neglect my blogger buddies), I was surfing the ‘net on Sunday night and came across this: How to Do Ordinary Things Quickly I don’t know that I have the skills to do the parking maneuver (I’d probably cause more damage than it…

  • Girls – The Expendable Sex

    I was heartbroken to see this story: Baby Girls Hanged, Burned, Stabbed To Death In Pakistan Those poor babies, lined up on a table, unloved, unwanted, and unknown. Did their killers have any remorse as they murdered these innocents? Did their cries ring in their ears as they left them to die? And then there’s…