Category: Life

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    I just checked the dashboard, and I see no Wednesday post.  So, Texpat, if we’re unseeing each other again, feel free to reschedule this one if you wish. I found this Substack article from a commenter in the C&C about a week or so ago.  The commenter had talked to a pharmacist about the whole…

  • Wednesday Evolution Discussion Open Comments

    Deep thoughts for hump day: Kennedy discusses thoughts on evolution and the value of man from the evolutionary point of view; the various -isms of theology, adaptation vs. evolution and their differences.  And why knowing the differences is important.

  • Weekend – A Many Splendored Thing – Open Comments If you run an American company, these are the people you hire to make your commercial, not some frail, gender dysphoric spectacle.  This production company, its writers, producers, actors and film crew do an excellent job.