Category: Junk Science

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    Although it’s easy to point to record snowstorms as proof the warmmongers are crazy, it’s not really scientifically sound. Still, as anecdotal evidence piles up like a New Jersey snowdrift, it’s fun to do: Sounds crazy, but as the Potsdam Institute of Climate Research announced last Tuesday, man-made global warming could cause “polar winds to…

  • Are American Scientists Overwhelmingly Democrats?

    According to a recent Pew poll only 6% of American scientists identify themselves as Republican. Such statistics only add to the liberal lie that Republicans, and by extension conservatives, are knuckle-dragging neanderthals that still believe the Earth is flat and the universe revolves around it. But let’s dig into the poll: So the survey was…

  • Snow-loha!

    You just can’t make this stuff up: Delegates from 17 countries are in Honolulu this week to begin negotiating an international treaty to combat global warming. The final treaty, expected in 2009, would limit the emission of greenhouse gases all over the world. …The historical meeting here in Hawaii represents the world’s best hope for…