Category: Junk Science

  • Moral High Ground

    I read an interesting article by Jim Lacey over at National Review (via American Thinker). Mr. Lacey is rightly ticked off by the insufferable Al Gore branding him as racist for not believing in Climate Astrology (AKA man made global climate change): But enough is enough. Why should I sit quietly and let myself be…

  • Ho Hum – Another MMGW Lie Exposed

    If there weren’t so many chuckleheads still wanting to steal our money to fix a non-existent problem they couldn’t fix even if it was real I would just stop posting these stories. But because they insist on perpetuating their lies I feel I must. You know the story – sea levels rising 20 feet over…

  • Tuesday Chemtrail Open Comments

    More chemtrail sightings over the Eastern US. “Scientists” allege it was a “meteor”.