Category: Junk Science


    In todays cynical world it is important that we check, check and double check everything that is presented to us as fact.  Ain’t nuttin personal but I never take on face value anything that is said to me as truth.  Yesterday our fearless leader made a statement and I wondered if Texpat was being truthful…

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    SOUND THE ALARM China’s Smart Bathrooms Will Sound an Alarm When You Take Too Long The Chinese government has built and installed around 150 “smart” public bathrooms around the city, according to Shanghai Observer via Shanghaiist. They all come equipped with high-tech features such as monitoring and controlling the odor, tabulating the number of visitors…

  • Thursday Ultimate Stupid Open Comments

    Well, we know there’s a push to label genetically modified food. Genes have been selectively modified for years through breeding and genetic selection practices since mankind started farming. Genes are, well – GENES! Not chemicals.  Well, I guess technically they ARE chemicals, but not chemicals like nerve agent pesticides or birth control pills.  (Which are…