Category: Junk Science

  • Thursday’s Maskless Forever Wide Open Comments

    The Highly Sought After Covid + Anti-Mosquito Mask Available Only in Cut & Shoot (Disposable Gloves Come Free of Charge) Christopher Rufo contributes one article and Jeffrey H. Anderson has two.  Please read and save all three of these link-rich articles full of solid, incontestable evidence against wearing masks unless, of course, you are performing…

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    Listen closely…and/or read the following transcript. From Bob Graboyes speech at the Health Care Administrators Asscociation meeting in New York City: I’m going to talk about two intertwined themes which have become the mainstay of what I talk about. There are two deep, deep problems that medicine, and more generally healthcare, have. One is a…

  • Thursday Open Comments

    Daily Wire reports a story about the “affirming transgenderism is a good idea” being a bunch of hooey. To summarize part of the story, the study that most pro-trans people depend on is a Dutch study – an environment where there is strict screening for those receiving the surgeries. They have to be adults, mentally…