Category: Junk Science

  • Monday’s Fascist Green Open Comments

    Recent history is seldom what you think it is; not in this modern age of deception and chicanery. Rupert Darwall: Climate change was political long before Al Gore first started talking about it. In the 1970s, the Swedish Social Democrats used global warming to get political support for building a string of nuclear power stations.…

  • Buggy Wednesday Open Comments

    EAT ME Fact check: Are insects better for you than meat? True to form, science concludes ‘yes and no’ Well that settles that.  I’ll take my steak medium rare thank you very much.  What captured my attention was the methodology in which science has come to the non-conclusion. To measure how healthy these bugs were…

  • Monday Open Comments

    Over almost two decades, John Ioannidis has been the strongest voice of reason among all scientists anywhere and everywhere. He is not the most popular man campus because he exposed hundreds, if not thousands, of “scientific papers to false and their processes and results impossible to reproduce. The scientific literature is filled with information that…