Category: Israel

  • Thursday’s Goldman Moment Open Exchange

      If I were as smart and could write as well as my intellectual hero, David P. Goldman, I would be a better and richer man. Like the Nazis, Islamist terrorism weaponized horror to demoralize the West. Christianity has a soft underbelly: It struggles to reconcile belief in a God who so loved the world…

  • Thursday’s History Isn’t Repeating, It’s Rhyming Open Comments

    How appropriate, how exactly true these past weeks. “White Logic” and “Jew Physics” Campus radicals have refreshed an ugly 1930s trope. When we think of “Newspeak,” the fictional language invented by George Orwell for his dystopian novel 1984, we typically think of powerful authoritarian governments manipulating language for the advancement of power and ideology. In…

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    I mentioned in a post yesterday or day before how disgusted I was that Biden Co. was unable to get Americans out of the war zone; the best they could do was transport them to a nearby island – Cyprus, I thought – and even made the American citizens sign a promise to pay for…