Category: History

  • Weekend Culturally Significant Recordings Open Comments

    This past week, the Library of Congress published a list of “culturally significant recordings” that it would preserve. There seems to be no real unifying theme; the recordings cover from the 1850’s to the 1990’s. Music practically everyone knows: Music few have heard of: Spoken word: Country and/or Western: Folk: Pop/jazz: A Papal Mass: Jazz:…

  • Wednesday Shores Of Tripoli Open Comments

    Well, Obama promised us that if he were elected, we’d no longer be in two wars at the same time, so he started another one. We have yet to hear from The One We’ve Been Waiting For exactly what Vital National Interest is being served by being drug into enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya.…

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress authorizes the first national Revolutionary War memorial in honor of Brigadier General Richard Montgomery, who had been killed during an assault on Quebec on December 31, 1775. Montgomery, along with Benedict Arnold, led a two-pronged invasion of Canada in late 1775. Before joining Arnold at Quebec, Montgomery…