Category: Faith

  • Wednesday Catholic Humor Open Comments

    Something light to start off the day! I referenced some of these a few days ago. I’m sorry, but for a Catholic, some of these references are absolutely hilarious. Before you view the videos, you’ll probably enjoy them if you know the following: – Recently, the Church updated its responses during mass to more closely…

  • Holy Thursday Open Comments

    Today is the day Christians celebrate The Last Supper. Jesus modeled how to be a servant to others by washing the feet of his disciples. In an era of dusty roads and no automobiles, washing the feet of a guest was a thoughtful way of making someone feel welcome. This action, usually performed by servants,…

  • Blasphemy

    I had heard of this woman some time ago, but I was unaware that she was still in isolation. In 2010, Asia Bibi was put on death row in Pakistan for making what, for us, would normally be a rather off-the-cuff and harmless comment. The latter mentions the “crime” Asia Bibi (pictured here with two…