Category: Faith

  • Thursday Ghostbusters Open Comments

    I stumbled across this video, a Catholic priest discussing ghosts and the Catholic faith: I was reminded of a story that a nun told me in a workshop at my church.  She had worked at a local hospital on the chaplaincy staff, and was assigned a new patient.  She walked into “John’s” room and was…

  • Wednesday Bible Math Open Comments

    I found this article interesting: The authenticity of the Holy Bible has been attacked at regular intervals by atheists and theologians alike but none have explained away the mathematical seal beneath its surface. It would seem the divine hand has moved to prevent counterfeiting in the pages of the Bible in a similar manner to…

  • Monday Aquinas Speaks Truth Open Comments

    St. Thomas had some harsh truths about Islam: According to Aquinas, Islam appealed to ignorant, brutish, carnal men and spread not by the power of its arguments or divine grace but by the power of the sword. /snip Aquinas contrasts the spread of Christianity with that of Islam, arguing that much of Christianity’s early success…