Category: Faith

  • Poem for Jan 22 2010

    Today is the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. Again, my muse has called to me. Unfortunately, I feel this work has been rushed due to my work schedule. I don’t know when I will be able to get back to it, so I am going to publish what I have and hope I can refine…

  • The Persecution of Jesus, through Erasmus’ Eyes

    I have made it a practice to pray a rosary every day. For those non-Catholics out there, the rosary is a series of prayers, for which we use a string of beads to keep our place in the process. While praying these prayers, we meditate upon a string of events in the life of Mary…

  • Believing is Seeing

    (Based on John 20:19-31) It’s been one week – one long, rancorous week. I was out getting food for our little cast of outcasts, and upon my return I was greeted with great excitement. The excitement wasn’t for the food and supplies I brought, or for the fact that I returned safely. No, the excitement,…