Category: Faith

  • Obama, Social Justice, and the Catholic Left

    Nothing is more disconcerting to conservative Catholics than the influence of Leftist ideology in the Catholic Church. Pope John Paul II did an admirable job in purging so-called “Liberation Theology” from the Church but, just like cancer, some strands of the disease remain. Side note – Liberation Theology is an unholy union of the teachings…

  • Update: What’s the Point in Converting People to Atheism?

    I just don’t understand many of the atheists out there. Atheism is derived from the Greek theos (“god”), prefixed by ‘a’ (“without”), in other words “without god”. (In a similar manner we have agnosticism (‘a’ – “without” + ‘gnosis’ – “knowing”) Given this, why is it that many atheists seem to want to convert people…

  • Taking the Faithful for Granted

    There has been much ink spilled and electrons energized in post-election ruminations by various people in an effort to explain why voters left the Democrats and chose their opponents instead.  Most analysis has focused on economic, governmental control, or competence issues.  Now, another shortcoming has been introduced as a contributing factor. As Democrats conduct a…