Category: Faith

  • Forty Years of a Great Stain

    Forty years ago, the United States Supreme Court amended the US Constitution. In what can only be described as judicial activism carried to levels seldom seen before or since. In a 7-2 decision, the court declared that the Fourteenth Amendment granted citizens a right to privacy, which is not even hinted at in the text…

  • Friday Evolutionary Creation Open Comments

    In 2007, the University of Kentucky passed over a candidate for director of its observatory and hired a much less qualified applicant. According to emails and other evidence gathered in the resulting lawsuit, the reason he was passed over was his religious views. You see, C. Martin Gaskell is a Christian. Not only that, but…

  • Christmas Poem

    Eternity stood suspended Upon one point in time. All creation stilled itself With bated breath held fine. The wind was still, the stars shone clear, And flowing brooks were calm, While the virgin brought forth for all Divine nature’s balm. A babe it was she bore for us, The future of all man, She kissed…