Category: Essays

  • Retreat!

    The students in our religious education program are required to attend a certain number of retreats before receiving the sacrament of confirmation in our faith. A retreat is a removal of one’s self from the world to focus on a relationship with God. While we confiscated a total of six cell phones over the weekend…

  • Dear Dora

    Today I remember my friend, Dora. I met Dora years ago through activities at my church. This makes total sense, since she was one of those dependable servants of God who served in many functions over the years. She and I were working as catechists during her last five years or so, and our paths…

  • Duty and Honor

    I was scheduled for jury duty this morning. I’m one of those strange and wacky people who doesn’t mind my civic duty. I figure that what goes around comes around, and someday – Heaven forbid! – if I am accused of a crime, I’d want someone like me on a jury. Without people willing to…