Category: Essays

  • “God Won”

    I watched the rescue of the Chilean miners last week with a fair amount of interest. It is unusual that we see a mine cave-in at that depth where there were not only no fatalities, but no serious injuries – and where all the miners are rescued. At some level, it all seemed fairly surreal…

  • WhyWouldWe?

    I’ve spent some time in the DFW area recently for work.  While there, I noticed a few billboards near downtown Dallas from a group calling itself ““.  This is a gay rights group that claims that Jesus affirmed a gay couple (the story of the healing of the centurion’s servant in Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke…

  • Abram/Abraham

    YHWH has answered my prayer, finally. After all these years, my wife is smiling like a young woman again. It has been such a long time. Like a spring rain, the tears of happiness spill down my wife’s cheeks, and her smile is like the sunrise over the desert plain. Her eyes meet mine and…