Category: Essays

  • Feeling Safer Yet?

    I travel a lot. I have come to see most of what passes for airport security as a charade, kabuki theater that only gives the illusion of greater security and safety. On Sunday, new enhanced security measures will be going into effect at many US airports. These measures include use of the new backscatter x-ray…

  • Is Decriminalization Really the Answer?

    Driving up to Dallas gave me some time to think. Would legalizing drugs really accomplish all that our libertarian friends think, or are they just living in a dreamworld? Let’s establish the status quo. Marijuana is currently illegal to cultivate, possess, and consume to varying degrees across the US, except in very narrowly-defined instances. Alcoholic…

  • The Downside of Turning One’s Cheek

    On Monday, October 11, in Florence, a young Muslim decided that he needed to express himself and that the only proper way to do so would be to dance on the altar of the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, the cathedral church of the Diocese of Florence Italy (link to video in the linked…