Category: Essays

  • Nature vs. Nurture vs. ???

    One of the most hotly debated topics of human psychology has been the relative effects of nature (our genetic makeup) and nurture (the environment in which we are raised) on human behavior. It is clear, at least to me, that each has at least some effect on our current mental and emotional state and how…

  • Taking the Faithful for Granted

    There has been much ink spilled and electrons energized in post-election ruminations by various people in an effort to explain why voters left the Democrats and chose their opponents instead.  Most analysis has focused on economic, governmental control, or competence issues.  Now, another shortcoming has been introduced as a contributing factor. As Democrats conduct a…

  • Cut Spending Now, While There is Still a Mandate

    Now that the Republicans have won control of the House of Representatives, where all spending must originate, we have an excellent opportunity for serious spending reduction.  Our friends at Cato posted a list of different spending plans that reduce spending by between $120 and $476 billion per year. The plan by the National Taxpayers Union…