Category: Essays

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    The documents revealed on WikiLeaks this week have mostly been little more than gossip that told us what we already knew, or at least suspected. There have, however been some revelations that are downright scary because of what we may infer about the breathtaking naivete of the Obama foreign policy. In the summer of 2009,…

  • WikiLeaks is Run by an Insecure Eighth Grade Girl

    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange bravely said his mission is to expose and skewer “lying, corrupt and murderous leadership from Bahrain to Brazil,” in an email sent from his hideout. That more people will likely be killed was apparently lost on the brave fighter for Truth. Assange seems more and more like the 8th grade girl…

  • Genocide Occurring Right Under Our Noses

    Over time, there have been many genocides carried out around the world. In just the past 100 years, we have seen (among others): Bosnia-Herzegovina: 1992-1995 – 200,000 Deaths Rwanda: 1994 – 800,000 Deaths Pol Pot in Cambodia: 1975-1979 – 2,000,000 Deaths Nazi Holocaust: 1938-1945 – 6,000,000 Deaths Rape of Nanking: 1937-1938 – 300,000 Deaths Stalin’s…