Category: Essays

  • Mary, the Annunciation and Conception

    I am not special. My name is even a common one. I am not particularly beautiful, nor rich, nor endowed with any special gifts except a deep and abiding love and reverence for my G-d.  I had planned to dedicate my life to His service, and did all I could to follow His commandments.  My…

  • The Last Prophet

    The times are tense. A foreign power occupies the land; the local government seeks to balance the demands of the people with the demands of the occupiers, not doing particularly well in either effort. The religious authorities are split into factions that aren’t really getting along, while other religious groups stir up trouble for both…

  • Update: What’s the Point in Converting People to Atheism?

    I just don’t understand many of the atheists out there. Atheism is derived from the Greek theos (“god”), prefixed by ‘a’ (“without”), in other words “without god”. (In a similar manner we have agnosticism (‘a’ – “without” + ‘gnosis’ – “knowing”) Given this, why is it that many atheists seem to want to convert people…