Category: Essays

  • I Should Learn a Lot From My Kid

    My children never cease to impress me. Lovely Daughter is, of course, everybody’s Golden Child. One of her professors has called her a “model student for the rest of the campus” and wants to clone her. I have informed Lovely Daughter that all clones of her belong to me, since the original material is mine.…

  • WHAT Were They Thinking?! Urban Legends and Those Who Send Them

    I do so hate getting rid of my family and friends, but there are times when this fanciful thought crosses my mind. Like this morning, as my well-meaning but misguided father forwarded yet one more e-mail that he failed to check out. So, today’s Chicken Little warning pretty much told me not to buy Glade…

  • By the Thinnest of Threads

    It has always amazed me at the thin threads that tie us to each other. How do we meet? How are our connections made? How is our existence even possible? My husband and I are one such example of “thin threads”. Dear Hubby and I did not meet until my 11th year of high school.…