Category: Essays

  • Tuesday Jobs Bill Open Comments

    Since Obama’s latest Important Political Speech, there has been much wrangling over the most recent “Jobs Bill”. He’s asking for around $447 billion in order to: Extend unemployment beyond the almost 2 years already done Throw together some job-retraining stuff Fund some shovel-ready infrastructure projects Provide some employment incentives Extend a payroll tax holiday Other…

  • Friday Pyrrhic Open Comments

    The debt ceiling vote in the House has been postponed because too many Republicans said they would not vote for it for one reason or another. Very few Democrats would have voted for it, so Boehner & Co. decided to hold off to try for more support. Whatever the result of that vote, the legislation…

  • Christmas Poem

    Eternity stood suspended Upon one point in time. All creation stilled itself With bated breath held fine. The wind was still, the stars shone clear, And flowing brooks were calm, While the virgin brought forth for all Divine nature’s balm. A babe it was she bore for us, The future of all man, She kissed…