Author: Hamous

  • Weekend Open Comments

    When the federal government feels the need to issue guidelines designed to ensure ‘scientific integrity’ you can pretty much bet the last thing on their minds is ensuring scientific integrity: The four-page memorandum “describes the minimum standards expected as departments and agencies craft scientific integrity rules appropriate for their particular missions and cultures, including a…

  • Thursday Open Comments

    Perkiness only gets you so far when you’re trying to one-up one of the most brilliant minds of our time: Katy, you should stick to swapping recipes.

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    The Legend of the Camel-Step as told by Steven Masty (via Texpat): Let us say that you are an Afghan of some importance, a local khan or squire, and someone does the dirty on you. Because it’s Afghanistan, an ancient place full of big families and thus devoid of secrets, everyone gets to know about…