Author: Hamous

  • CPAC is Over – Time to Crank up the Hit-Piece Machine

    Another CPAC. Another Ron Paul landslide. What does it mean? Nothing. Just like in 2007 and 2008 where the good doctor won every straw poll on the planet by double digits, they’re hollow victories. Ron Paul is the “dot com bubble” of American politics. No money bomb is ever going to change that. Apparently grown-ups,…

  • The Myth of Vanishing American Manufacturing

    As long as this country has been around there have always been opportunistic politicians willing to take advantage of unemployed citizens for political gain. Wedge issues may come and go but this one is constant, regardless of the political party in power – “We’re losing our manufacturing base!” But are we? Americans make more “stuff’’…

  • Thursday Open Comments

    I’m actually beginning to enjoy the “progressive” penchant for playing the blame game. They can always find a way to tie any event to MMGW. But here’s a new twist: At issue was whether the EPA had the necessary legal authority [to regulate CO2]. The EPA’s actions were spurred by a 2007 Supreme Court decision…