Author: Hamous

  • Bully Tuesday Open Comments

    From Thomas Sowell: There is a lot of talk from many people about bullying in school. The problem is that it is all talk. There is no sign that anybody is going to do anything that is likely to reduce bullying. When politicians want to do nothing, and yet look like they are doing something,…

  • RIP Mr. Roach

    With what seems to be a never-ending supply of clowns on City Council, it’s sad to lose one of the honest guys. Former Houston City councilmember and prominent criminal defense attorney Joe Roach died this morning after spending weeks in the hospital, his legal assistant said. Janette Gomez-Trevino said Roach was survived by his wife,…

  • Mongoose is Gone

    When I was a young man I was led to believe there were organizations to kill my snakes for me ie the church ie the government ie the school But when I got a little older I learned I had to kill them myself Riki Tiki Tavi Mongoose is gone Won’t be coming around for…