Author: Hamous

  • Ho Hum – Another MMGW Lie Exposed

    If there weren’t so many chuckleheads still wanting to steal our money to fix a non-existent problem they couldn’t fix even if it was real I would just stop posting these stories. But because they insist on perpetuating their lies I feel I must. You know the story – sea levels rising 20 feet over…

  • Friday Open Comments

    It tastes like spring! Many customers came to Ms.Li’s for the eggs. “It is so yummy. I can eat 10 within a day,” Ms Liu came to Dongyang with her husband several years ago. “I’d never tried it before. After my first taste of it, I’ve become addicted to it,” she said. A net user…

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    From the land of my birth: Working its way through the Florida legislature is a bill that would reduce regulations on 20 professions. A provision in the bill to eliminate a requirement for interior design licensing is raising hackles across the state and country. Free-market advocates are arguing that deregulation is a liberty issue and…