Author: Hamous

  • The Paulie K Shuffle

    I must have a mental illness.  I see a Paulie K. column and I’m repulsed, but yet, I cannot look away. Today our gutter economist is once again lamenting inaction by the government: The latest economic data have dashed any hope of a quick end to America’s job drought, which has already gone on so…

  • Thursday Open Comments

    Victor Davis Hanson asks a timely question: All this European turmoil raises a paradox. If dispirited Europeans are conceding that something is terribly wrong with their half-century-long experiment with socialism, unassimilated immigrants, cultural apologies, defense cuts and post-nationalism, why in the world is the Obama administration intent on adopting what Europeans are rejecting? Somehow I…

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    Here’s what happens when our leaders and citizens refuse to acknowledge (via actionable and meaningful responses) that some philosophies are inferior to ours: According to a RAND report, the United States and the world have blown the chance to prevent an Iranian nuclear weapon. Half a year ago, US air strikes and a no-fly zone…