Author: Hamous

  • Friday Smackdown Open Comments

    Letter to Senator Patty Murray, Chair Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Senator Patty Murray, Chair Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Dear Senator Murray: For many months now, your colleagues in the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee leadership have engaged in a series of disparagements and ad hominem attacks about us, apparently as part of a concerted political and…

  • Thursday Open Comments

    George Will suggests “Is this the best we can do?” as a campaign slogan for whomever runs against our Half Nubian Prince: Who will carry the “Is This the Best We Can Do?” banner? So far, the serene front-runner, Mitt Romney, has nothing to fear from Huntsman’s politics of high-mindedness. Bachmann’s saliency with social conservatives,…

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    It’s easy to pick on the Chronicle. So easy it’s not really fun anymore but there were a couple of “Chronically Biased” articles today that are worth mentioning. The first is linked on their front page entitled Texas Presses for Mexican’s Execution. Forget for a moment that Texas isn’t “pressing for” anything. A jury of…