Author: Hamous

  • Friday Open Comments

    Paulie K. is always good for a laugh when you don’t have anything else for the OC: “Have you left no sense of decency?” That’s the question Joseph Welch famously asked Joseph McCarthy, as the red-baiting demagogue tried to ruin yet another innocent citizen. And these days, it’s the question I find myself wanting to…

  • The Peter Principle Presidency

    What happens when you combine Affirmative Action with the Peter Principle? Barack Obama becomes president. Peter Principle – In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence. In any government structure, the Peter Principle is amplified. Think of the classic example of the DMV. People who would normally be fired for…

  • RIP Jerry Leiber

    Back in the early 1950s Country music and the Blues had a baby and they named it Rock & Roll. Two of the Godfathers there for the christening were lyricist Jerry Leiber and composer Mike Stoller. In those early years there were singers and there were songwriters and they weren’t the same people. Leiber and…