Author: Hamous

  • Wednesday Boys to Men Open Comments

    While perusing the internets I came across this excellent article by Bill Bennett this morning: Fashioning men has never been easy, but today it seems particularly tough. Boys need heroes to embody the everlasting qualities of manhood: honor, duty, valor, and integrity. Without such role models, boys will naturally choose perpetual childhood over the rigors…

  • Monday Sucka Open Comments

    (secret meeting of the Hershey’s marketing team) Evil Hershey’s Capitalist Sales Manager: Let’s face it, gentlemen. There’s not too many new ideas in chocolate. We’ve done it all. So what can we do to increase profits? Evil Hershey’s Capitalist Sales Toadie: How about we pump the chocolate full of air bubbles while it’s liquid? We’d…

  • Thursday Big Oil Open Comments

    Our own Jazz Hands Club is planning a “silent protest” against Big Oil this Saturday, October 15th. I’m a little confused, because one of their other supposed causes is high unemployment. I’m not sure how trying to shut down an industry that supplies, directly or indirectly, about 50% of the jobs in our area helps,…