Author: Hamous

  • If you’re on Facebook…

    From Pajamas Media: If you’re on Facebook, please take a minute to report a truly vile page The truly vile page I referenced in my post title is Hundred Million Person Hate Israel. Thankfully, so far it’s only got 30,000 people (out of a 100,000,000 goal) “liking” this incitement to destructive antisemitism, but cancers like…

  • Weekend Open Comments

    Here’s a video from Bill Whittle. You may remember Bill as the man who wrote the best essay ever written on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. (h/t Felicia Winfree Cravens)

  • Jessica’s Middle Finger to Jesus

    David Jennings (via Texpat) posted a thread last week on the ghoulish “Holiday Celebration” being sponsored by Democrat state representatives Jessica Farrar and Carol Alvarado. Both are Catholic. Farrar, at least during election season, is supposedly a practicing Catholic. I know this because she is a member of my parish. To hold a political celebration…