Author: Hamous

  • Weekend OC

    The Democrat Party seems to be all in a tizzy over undisclosed donations to conservative non-profit groups: “Groups that receive foreign money are spending huge sums to influence American elections — and they won’t tell you where the money for those ads comes from,” Obama said at a rally in Maryland. “So this isn’t just…

  • Thursday Open Comments

    I think this is probably a gross overestimate but, at the same time, the rumors of a Democrat surge in the final days of the campaign are greatly exaggerated: Michael Barone, co-author of the Almanac of American Politics, says either of the Gallup turnout models would produce “a Republican House majority the likes of which…

  • Thursday OC

    Victor Davis Hanson notes it’s all about arrogance: The bookish, twice-unsuccessful Democratic presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson once sighed that if most thinking people supported him, it still wouldn’t be enough in America because “I need a majority.” For some reason, Democrats have chosen to follow the disastrous model of Stevenson and not that of feisty…